Saturday, March 8, 2008

Simple Songs, Simple Beginnings

[WORSHIP:03:02:08] Sure, i woke up with this song in my heart - a "God song" what more could i ask for? But, Lord... it was so simple. I know all the stuff i'd been hearing says not too many words, keep it simple, but this was like learning to walk. Wooble on one leg and then put the next foot down and make sure we're all making the steps together. Frankly i felt almost appalled to bring something so kindergarten to this group which pinnacles at fifth grade. But i knew it was from the Holy Spirit - given to me as a gift on my first 'official' morning as KC worship director.

And so, after a bit of gathering activity (entering the Ps100 fifth grade girls' thanksgiving tunnel with thanks in our hearts and on our lips) we dismissed the boys off to the side with Adrian. The drums remind us of the thunder and lightening happening right now around God's throne in heaven -- and we want to pull heaven down into our midst, don't we? So the girls and i sat in a circle with individual pieces of paper, that, when in proper sitting order, made up the question "what shall we discover together?" This was our song. Simple. brief. a question to gather us and open up collective expectation. it also opened opportunity for prophetic completion of the question. The song we sang together teetered from low note to high note... "WHAT-shall-we dis-COV-ER-TO-ge-ther (repeat)(repeat)" and then someone finishes with a simple 5 note step down starting at the high note, ending on the low... "JE--sus--is--our--friend". and even the fifth grade girls were glued. we all sang carefully together and anticipated who would finish it this next time... and the boys, all the while, glued to Adrian's thunder leadership :)

Before we knew it, we were out of time. we had Workshopped (learning activities about worship) and Gathered and didnt' even have time to sing through that worship song they 'already know'...oh well, maybe we'll get back to the 'old song' next time. Or maybe this is exactly how God sees the start of a revolution.

1 comment:

Cat said...

...i think you're on to something here, jen