Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Warning: Mac truck!

After our big "first" kids' prophetic conference this past weekend, our Children's Pastor says a Mac truck hit her "and backed over" her. i think it's funny she adds that last part. It's true -- one should not underestimate the amount of energy it will require to spend that amount of time with that many kids -- doing things "for the first time". It's darn hard being pioneers, we are discovering. It's great, don't get me wrong, we love it, we welcome God's call on us to do this, i'm just sayin'... For the past 3 days i have spent all my free time, including my lunch break on Monday, catching a nap. Getting refreshed, renewed, restored -- out of sheer necessity. And i have to also put a reminder in here for myself (as i review these entries later) that the enemy takes Full Advantage of hitting us while we're down. We are warriors, but when warriors get tired...yeah. So I got plastered with enemy fire starting Sunday afternoon, continuing through until Monday evening when, thankfully, God had already built in a saving grace for me -- our regular Monday night Prayer for Kids' time. So i dragged myself to church to meet the faithful ones, fully expecting to just sit there like a lump as they prayed around me prayers of thankfulness for all God had done, sang praise songs, maybe danced a little. But they were good nurses and gave their first attention to attending to the wounded -- speaking truth, words of identity and remembrance for all God has done, pulled me out of my pit, shoveled off the lies the enemy had piled on me, gently lifted me out. I was so grateful God had orchestrated that for me, no guarentees how long it would have taken me to plan my own rescue attempt. So then we were all above ground again and able to pray in unified voice prayers of thanks for the things God has done, and is doing in our midst. We are pioneers in this revolution, following God's lead. It is not always easy, or glamorous, but we had such joy to partner with Him this past weekend, and we have such hope for all that's ahead. It is our privilege. Just beware of the Mac trucks :) Plan for them, keep yourself close to God. Remember that 'relaxing' after a big event like this better still include some god-time, not just movies and naps. Or at least keep your armor on! And pray pray pray for each other. God designed us to do this whole thing (life) together -- not just the ministry parts. Carry on, soldiers!


IndySuperGirl said...

Wise words my friend. Glad you're no longer feeling flattened. :)

laura ann said...

awesome. love seeing when God plans the rescue operation! always goes so much more smoothly :-)