Monday, December 15, 2008

Exponential Joy

Regarding this morning's advent "JOY" sunday in which the vopkids ran the show, i got home and put on my facebook status: Jen is JOY JOY JOY JOY JOY JOY JOY. i was thinking about it later (away from my computer) and remembered it as nine joys. not sure why i decided to count them in my head as i said it to myself (recounting the facebook status i had posted earlier) but i remembered nine. then i wondered if there was prophetic significance to the number nine so i googled it. what i got:

Nine: Fruit of the Spirit; gifts of the Spirit; finality; harvest; fullness of development. (Matt. 27: 45; Judges 4: 1-3; Gal. 5: 22-23; 1 Cor. 12: 4-11)

i thought that's pretty cool! our fruit of the spirit today was joy - to the 9th power! and 'harvest' and FULLNESS OF DEVELOPMENT. now that's encouraging!!

then when i got back to my facebook status and actually counted i see it was seven joys. and here's what it says about that number:

Seven: Completion; finished work; perfection; rest; perfection in the Spirit. (Gen. 2: 1-3; Lev. 14: 7; 16: 14, 19; Matt. 18: 21-22; Jude 14; Rev. 2: 1; 8: 2; 12: 3)

so that sounds pretty good too!

we have had an incredible year exploring, experimenting and growing in worship together. we have been learning how to hear the Father's voice, how to "do the things Jesus did", and made place for the Holy Spirit to move among us. we have practiced worship and thanksgiving as a weapon against the enemy. and we have had SO MUCH FUN doing it! this morning's service was a perfect ending to an amazing year together - JOY JOY JOY. would love to hear from some of the rest of you.

regarding the joy service, i just have one more word: trampolines :)

Monday, November 24, 2008

Keep building the ark, revival rain's comin'

"How did you feel about worship today?"

You see that's just it, with this learning curve i'm currently on, i don't think it matters at all how i felt about worship. It's not even about my planning, my good ideas, my own efforts, it's really just about showing up and trying to be as available as i can for God to use. And when it's over - evaluation process - pretty much pointless. How did it go? I have no idea. I showed up, I tried to follow the Spirit the best I could, that's it. That's all there is. Now, that's not to say i don't learn things in the process. for instance, yesterday, i learned that canned music does not create the same atmosphere of worship as even one person playing a live guitar. I honestly didn't think it mattered, in fact, i thought putting my ipod on meant the kids would have music that was more energetic better done by more instruments than i could do it and that certainly would be great and we'd sing along. Well i tell ya it felt so dead as we tried to sing along and dance, march, follow the leader, wave our flags. Going through the motions, not Engaged. I also learned that the electronic keyboard which makes its sound through a little black monitor box does not produce the same live worship vibe either. it must be something about acoustic instruments - guitar, percussion, i imagine a real piano would also do this - the sound waves creating energy in the air, the vibrations of the hammers striking, reaching out, striking something in us. So, yes, i learned things yesterday and it's good to think about them and capture them but beyond that i have no desire to evaluate any part of my or our performance at this point in my learning curve. The learning curve that basically takes me out of the equation to make anything happen. Mine is only to show up and pray pray pray that God shows up too. And, as a good friend pointed out when i called her crying the night before desperate and needing God to show up at kids worship, He cares more about their experience with Him than i do, doesn't He? Don't i think He cares more about Emmett's walk with Him than i? And what about Cayden? Ok, yeah. But i really really want to see Him actually start to show up - the supernatural - a revolution. this is what i decided it all came down to as far as my efforts go: to make room for God to show up. Not get so wrapped up and tunnel visioned on my own plans and efforts that i don't make space for God to come and make the time what He wants it to be. That's what i learned this weekend. And, by the way, i've never been so desperate for revival to come. have you ever ACHED for revival? i have never ached for it until this weekend. It hurts. and there seems to be nothing i can do to make it happen - but pray (and plead) and make room for God to come. fortunately after ian's sermon yesterday reminding me of Noah's building of the boat with no rain in sight, we will continue to build this boat as best we can and God can send the rain when He wants to send the rain. it strikes me that He most certainly can tell when our boat is ready to handle it much better than i, so i'm gonna trust Him in that timing.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Transition and prayer

Tomorrow is my last time leading the vopkids in worship (for now). There is a lot of significance and hope rolled up in the anticipation. And i've decided... really... i just want God to show up. and i'll be happy. God let me partner with you to do something in these kids; do what You want to do... it's always been Yours and it's still Yours. Thanks for letting us help it happen each week, and vacation bible school, and conference/retreat. We are Yours. To GOD be the Glory!

Friday, July 11, 2008

What are you giving to God?

We sing this song "Everything to God".

What kind of joy can make me dance? what kind of love can make me sing? what kind of grace is all i need? jesus is everything! I'm giving everything to God, i'm giving everything to God, i'm giving everything to God, He's given everything to me...everything to God, i'm giving everything to God, i'm giving everything to God, He's given everything to me...

And so sometimes i'll then take the mike around with a rousing shout "what are you giving to God?" and the answer is EVERYTHING. (repeat) with each kid getting to say into the mike EVERYTHING. it's kind of like a pep rally for the Lord now that i think of it. funny :)

anyway.... yesterday i had this in mind when i pulled up that song but before i did i thought i'd pass the mike around a little. so i shoved it in the face of the little girl closest to me who had been on stage helping with actions the song before. i said "what are you giving to God!?" and she said...


Hm. this surprised and perplexed me. the next girl: joy. next boy: peace. then Truth. wow, the depth of these answers. amazed me. these are gifts God has given us, right, and we can actually give them back, only because He's first given them (He's given everything to me...) wow! i think this back and forth exchange of giving is one way we are loved by and show love to God. let me hear your thoughts!

Letter to a young worship leader

hi Tim

Great having you today. i'm excited to see you have some freedom to grow in this area -- have fun, be yourself (be goofy), learn to interact w/your audience -- "read" what they need in order to engage in worship. this is our job as a worship leader - to know our audience, meet them where they are and then lead them even farther!

today you got to know the kids a bit better - we learned that actions or some other form of physical engagement is a 'must' or we lose them. in fact, even when i do a slow or a 'soaking' song i intentionally instruct them (for example - "put your hand on your heart, lay down, be still"). you really have to guide them. i think this is a great thing to learn to do that will help you with every group you lead in the future. and this particular group needs our leadership to be very obvious and directional :)

we also learned that even though you think a song is "upbeat" there is no guarantee that's enough in and of itself to engage them, yeah? it's good that the song you pick for tomorrow will have energy AND you are going to make sure it has action leaders. cool! repeating songs are also an excellent choice. sometimes we can even take a song that isn't a repeating song but make it into one. sing a line and then have them sing it. it helps them hear and know the words as well as participate. i generally DON'T project words b/c half of them can't read and i don't' want to leave half of them in the dark. i want them ALL to be able to engage ALL the time as much as possible.

it's actually more important that they are full-body / soul / spirit engaging than it is that they all sing all the words all the time. if we put the words up then there's an expectation at some level that they'll sing-along b/c they can read them. i don't' want this false belief. i want us all to learn the song together over the course of time. i want songs to get INTO us so the holy spirit can bring them OUT of us at the times we're walking down the street and we need to hear/sing them!! we're planting seeds, Timmy. it's highly important stuff - stuff that will shape and impact them for a lifetime!

:) jen

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Job Description:

1) must have a heart for the Lord
2) must enjoy fun, and maybe even 'silly'
3) must be ready to follow me as i try to follow the holy spirit

wanna join my band? these are the requirements. it helps if you like kids, but that is something that can grow if you have #2 (it did for me). #3 can also grow if you are willing. it's a "be ready for anything" kind of mentality that's willing to take risks. these are the kinds of things that i think make a good kids' worship musician. this week is MegaSports Camp (VBS) and every morning i get the great joy to work with some really great musicians as we rock out and serve the kids in their mega-worship! think this might be the gig for you???

btw - did you notice i didn't mention musical ability? if that's a question in your mind, let's talk, i have thoughts...

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Still want to know...

what does God mean when He said a little child will lead them? and the stuff that links kids to kingdom. i want to see the things He wants me to see - through the kids. Stuff they are better suited to seeing and ushering in. Still holding out for all that. Not settling for less. Pressing onward...

Friday, May 30, 2008

Q: How does a fifth grader worship?

A: Body, soul, mind, and strength. Right? Throw in a few dance moves. An electric guitar. Drum beating. Not sure exactly, but hope to figure it out together with them this weekend on the 4th/5th grade retreat...

Pray for us if you think of it!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Our kids!!

i was so proud of our kids today. we had a quiet 'under control' kind of morning in worship. their big group lesson was about patience and waiting on the Lord, so we continued that lesson on into worship. how do we 'wait on the Lord' in worship - one way is by SOAKING. we didn't go full out lay-on-the-floor, close-your-eyes and soak, but we LISTENED for what God might be telling us. and we LOOKED for Him in the room. we did an 'angel scan' of the place. i didn't hear anyone say they saw any, but we are raising awareness of God with us and the supernatural among us. we are raising expectations, and praying for ears to hear and eyes to see God. the older boys participated with their noise-maker 'weapons' and wow did they do a nice job. never out of control, always sensitive and 'with me'. the 2-3 graders sat in their circle near me and boy did they SING. i loved hearing their voices. the younger ones were engaged as well along the back, no squirming, no acting out. i was astounded by the attention and cooperation we had from all parts of the room. the spirit's presence was with us and we were held captive. there were no need for lots of motions today or "fun songs", we were captivated by being in this holy place together. and i expect that awareness and that captivity to ever increase. and the older girls stretched themselves by asking God to lead them (in pairs) to someone in the room to pray for, then go do it throughout our worship time. i told them to have 'succeeded' today was to have prayed for at least one person. and many of them prayed for five, six... good stuff. the adults also began to pray over the kids towards the end as i prayed on the mic for kingdom destinies to be released and the enemy's plans to be thwarted. we reminded ourselves how we fight against the enemy - by the Word and rejoicing in worship to our God. i think they're getting it. if we just keep sewing, and watering, and cooperating with God to build this generation for Him. yeah, good stuff!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Our kids

i know there's more. i know it. God, this is your thing, help me to see what you're sewing into them and pulling out already. not just good foundations so they can hear from you later and do good works in your name later in life, but NOW. we want to surpass the adults in hearing you, being able to see you, let you pour out your gifts on us, use us, work through us. God, give us supernatural eyes and a really big faith and courage too! you have given us a taste of what you can do with kids who listen to you, believe what they hear and act on it (treasure hunt last weekend)! how do we continue to water those seeds and give them place to be released? ahhhhhhhh! for your kingdom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God, come in power and love tomorrow. be present - be ACTIVE. and as teachers, we want more than just your Spirit in us, we want to wear it, and rub off on our kids - impart the things we have - worship, intimacy with you, power, faith - greater than what we have! you have given us authority in that place, help us to know it, walk in it, and act from it. for your kingdom! hold nothing back...

Monday, April 28, 2008

The Fruit of the Spirit is...

JOY! JOY! JOY! JOY! JOY! JOY! KIDS WORSHIP IS SO MUCH FUN! need a new burst of God-life? energy? drive? interest? come join the vopkids every sunday morning on the lower level! fun! fun! fun! and some really neat quiet moments too :) God is with us.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Little People, Big Faith!

Here are the long awaited and highly anticipated Kid's Prophetic Conference pictures. They highlight how we sought God's heart and how He met us. So cool!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Who agreed to this?

Did i really say "yes" to going on the 4th and 5th grade retreat (to bring in the worship element)??????????? You know, these are the things you don't think about when you initially say "yes" to God's rollercoaster ride. But once you do, you commit yourself to a vision, to a people, to the building of something big, there's all sorts of stuff you never thought about that comes along with it... yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Warning: Mac truck!

After our big "first" kids' prophetic conference this past weekend, our Children's Pastor says a Mac truck hit her "and backed over" her. i think it's funny she adds that last part. It's true -- one should not underestimate the amount of energy it will require to spend that amount of time with that many kids -- doing things "for the first time". It's darn hard being pioneers, we are discovering. It's great, don't get me wrong, we love it, we welcome God's call on us to do this, i'm just sayin'... For the past 3 days i have spent all my free time, including my lunch break on Monday, catching a nap. Getting refreshed, renewed, restored -- out of sheer necessity. And i have to also put a reminder in here for myself (as i review these entries later) that the enemy takes Full Advantage of hitting us while we're down. We are warriors, but when warriors get tired...yeah. So I got plastered with enemy fire starting Sunday afternoon, continuing through until Monday evening when, thankfully, God had already built in a saving grace for me -- our regular Monday night Prayer for Kids' time. So i dragged myself to church to meet the faithful ones, fully expecting to just sit there like a lump as they prayed around me prayers of thankfulness for all God had done, sang praise songs, maybe danced a little. But they were good nurses and gave their first attention to attending to the wounded -- speaking truth, words of identity and remembrance for all God has done, pulled me out of my pit, shoveled off the lies the enemy had piled on me, gently lifted me out. I was so grateful God had orchestrated that for me, no guarentees how long it would have taken me to plan my own rescue attempt. So then we were all above ground again and able to pray in unified voice prayers of thanks for the things God has done, and is doing in our midst. We are pioneers in this revolution, following God's lead. It is not always easy, or glamorous, but we had such joy to partner with Him this past weekend, and we have such hope for all that's ahead. It is our privilege. Just beware of the Mac trucks :) Plan for them, keep yourself close to God. Remember that 'relaxing' after a big event like this better still include some god-time, not just movies and naps. Or at least keep your armor on! And pray pray pray for each other. God designed us to do this whole thing (life) together -- not just the ministry parts. Carry on, soldiers!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

No works? It worked!

My works mentality has gotten a terrible blow to the head. date i say fatal? probably not, but here's my story...

you know how i say it's 90% listening, waiting, watching, downloading plans and the rest adds up to 10% of my own real 'preparation'. well, this week i heard God say my assignment in 'preparing' for this conference -- the MOST IMPORTANT thing i was to do to prepare was to stay close to Him. that's it. stay close. so i would try to think of Him more throughout my day, worship, listen to teachings, etc. i mean, i really hoped to plan some things for the conference as well, but i knew the most important part of my leadership at this prophetic conference would be to make sure things were right in my relationship with God so i could be a vessel to HEAR HIM and follow His leadership as we went.

The crazy thing is i never did get any activities 'prepared'. i brainstormed some possibilities with some friends last night and grabbed armloads of possible tools this morning when i got to church (percussion instruments, flags, scarves, etc for worship workshop times) and that was the extent of my prep. other than my folders of "possible" music for the band to pull from.

the outcome? God was with us. the activites/ideas flowed "just right" throughout our morning. part of me loved not having a plan in my head which i would first have to get rid of if God changed direction and planned things in the moment for each class, each kid. total craziness that He would be that interested -- honestly, it seemed He was the one actually running these classes - handing us the ideas as we went. Our job was to stay close to Him, listen, respond, mix it with our own personality and experience (which He has given us as well!) and have courage to do it.

I can't say i'm yet in favor of giving up 'planning' all together, but this was a serious encouragement and personal workshop time for me to put priority on my private life with Him as preparation and staying open and close enough to say "God, what are you doing right now, how can i partner with that right now."

[Final thought] Preparation?? My whole life has been preparation for what happened this weekend at the vopkids prophetic conference. amen.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Still listening

Here i am, the night before our first ever Kids' Prophetic Conference... knowing i am to take leadership for worship times and help lead two workshop sessions (one with 4-6 yr olds!)... here i am still preparing (doing my 90% listening...) waiting for God to download His plans for His kids... getting pictures of some ideas slowly coming into focus... but mostly just confident knowing the people i'll be working with are solid -- and God won't let us (His kids) down.

So I am ready for the revolution. Bring it on.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Who?? Me? The Sequal

[POST BY ERIN HIBBEN] So indeed here I am posting about leading worship at KidsChurch. The non-musical, vaguely rhythmic on a good moment, slightly overwhelmed teacher led worship today. I drug myself into KidsChurch this morning tired and burnt, but knowing I had to be there and that God had to have my back. He had to have my back for two reasons. 1. My amazingly creative worship plans had been foiled by utter fatigue and lack of brain activity. 2. What's the point of doing it if he doesn't? So even though I had this original idea of having the kids create names of God banners while quietly listening to some soaking music, I could not get the plan coherently in my head. So instead Rachel and I worked out that we would talk talk to the kids about what it is like to hear God and then just let them listen. I gave them paper and markers in case they had a picture they felt like they wanted to draw.

So 9:30 service we soaked and immediately I could feel his presence and now I'm a mess and crying and then all the sudden the kids just kind of lunged for the markers and paper. They were so intently drawing and when asked to share one girl shared a picture of God's face in the clouds and he was giving her a thumbs up. Then another child shared a picture of an apple tree and some hills and he said God was walking towards him in the picture and telling him he loved him. Does it get any better than this?!?!?!? These kids just got loved on by God in such a personal way.

Well here comes 11:15 service, three times as many kids. We spread them out and they were so amazingly calm. Two girls got similar pictures about red flowers and a girl preaching. Kids were getting pictures of angels worshiping Jesus and Jesus coming to them and telling them how much he loves them.

The point of all of this is that we serve a LIVING GOD! All we have to do is seek him and get out of the way. God didn't stop from speaking to the kids because I was tired or burnt out. That didn't matter.

I Heard Recently...

[in light of VineyardUSA's decision to ordain women] that we're going to have to learn to listen to God through women because God has an even more radical plan and that is to reveal Himself to us through children. Wish i could remember who said it. at any rate, i think it rings true. see Rachel A's previous post "Revelation".


Jesus said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure. - Matthew 11:25

God pointed this scripture out to me during my 2 hours at the 24 hours of prayer on Friday. It seems appropriate to acknowledge that God has a passion for revealing the knowledge of His kingdom through children (some translations use the word infant). Especially during this 40 days of faith, when we are seeking God for "a spirit of revelation" to know him more, we must give our kids the room to express their knowledge and the deepness of their revelation - to move beyond "kids just wanting to have fun" and to respect and honor their ability to KNOW God, to SEE God and to HEAR God... and to learn from them - the privileged ones who the Father trusts with his revelation!!

Who? Me??

[KEY:PEOPLE] Okay, so i kinda did a crazy thing. on friday night i asked a non-musician to cover worship for me this weekend. It makes perfect sense to me, but perhaps not to the average joe so let's lay it out...

WORSHIP is what? Intentional turning toward God? A time to remember what's He's done and praise Him for what He will do? Simply exalting Him for who He is, speaking His name? Loving Him? These are things we traditionally do in 'worship time' and we traditionally do it with music. Right. But not exclusively. Right?? Honestly, my favorite definition of worship is simply responding to who He is -- we can't even worship unless He enables us to, unless we first can see Him. the more we see, the more we say 'yes, oh Lord, you are great, i am in awe of you, i love you'. that's worship. if, in response, my voice wants to sing it, or play it out that's cool. others may express it through visual art, or movement. whatever our response... those are the vehicle for the outcome, and the outcome is what's in our hearts. so this morning, as every sunday morning, i wanted to give our kids a chance to connect with the living God, to hear from Him and to see and understand more of who He is with a chance to give voice to their hearts' response. now if YOU were the one responsible to see this growth and experience happen in our kids, would it be more important to you to employ a person with stellar guitar skills and a beautiful voice OR someone who had a personal love relationship with the Lord and the abilities to relate to and connect with kids, meeting them in their world? i mean, IF you had to choose.

Surely you would want the one who is passionately in love with Jesus and had a track record of passing that passion on to our kids. case in point: Erin Hibben. and, honestly, it's not that i went looking to give her MORE things to do :) but i did feel that the Lord put a spotlight on her and said to ask her to lead worship this week. so i did. and i got all the responses you might think... "but i don't sing... i don't play an instrument... i don't know how to do that!! and, really, aren't i doing enough already?..." and yet, she knew that if GOD was prompting then it was pointless to resist. i love her for that. and it's true - i wasn't asking her as my last resort - i felt God said ask her as your first resort. so i did. and she did! and i can't wait to hear the outcome of her saying yes. not that we always see the results immediately...

Sometimes it is enough to be obedient to the Lord by saying yes, and let Him handle the outcome, and i believe this even includes how we feel about it. in fact, i feel so strongly that we need to live from this place that i may have to write a separate entry about that sometime -- God only asks us to give our best and trust the rest to Him. our job is the sewing and we must trust Him with the timing of the reaping and to bring forth the kind of harvest/fruit HE has in mind -- not us. who would dare say they know what this is all going to look like in the end. not only do i have no idea how to get there, i'm not even sure i know where i'm going!

But this whole "revolution" is all God's idea anyway -- His kids, His thing, we're just along for the ride wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Flags and Rain

[WORSHIP:03:09:08] I am finding that 90% of my preparation is sitting and listening for God's direction. It is not looking for songs, or rehearsing, or transposing, or preparing visual aids, it is those things too, but 90% of my time is spent sitting and listening. and most of that time is spent in the space, on the day. by the time i come sunday morning i have come with a plan, songs, order, concepts of worship we'll focus on that day, teaching objectives (yes, we TEACH worship); the goal is to give them tools, help them find expression, and make room for God to move. I set out my plan to do that.. but... to be most effective, i know i must lean on the Holy Spirit to fine tune and mold it for those kids on that day. Do you know i will do worship time differently for first service and second? The mix of kids (age, size of group) is drastically different and i find different things are most effective. for example...

on 03.09 i had a lovely time with the small group of younger kids reviewing some songs, doing a favorite action song, then singing about the Glory of the Lord rising among us. it was during this song that they made their way from sitting to standing to movement to carrying worship flags to walking in a circle with their flags in unison movement. because of the size of group they each had their own flag, they had room to walk peacefully in a circle with coordinated movement, and it all came so organically. the spirit was gently in our midst, it was so special.

on 03.09 the second service kids (much larger and older group) also started with a thanksgiving tunnel and song, but then we learned a new song called Hosanna by Hillsong United. the chorus is simple but the verses were not accessible, so i had 4 volunteers (another way to give the 4-5th graders more opportunity) come up and READ the verses into the mic in between the whole group singing the chorus. they read one by one: "i see the King of glory, coming down the clouds with fire..." "i see his love and mercy, washing over all our sin..." and "i see a generation, rising up to take their place... i see a new revival, starting as we pray and seek.." Powerful to hear these kids speak out these words and echoes of Hosanna. we moved into the same favorite action song the first group did, but then we did a special activity to "make rain". the song sings 'mercy is falling like a sweet spring rain' well, we wanted to have an EXPERIENCE of the mercy and the spirit falling, at first like a sweet rain, but escalating into a thunderstorm as we moved in our circle to slapping our knees and stomping feet. then the rain lessened and left as we moved back into snaps and rubbing of hands.

Our God is a specialized God. He wants us to experience Him in effective ways. If we keep one ear to Him, He will help us to know what those ways are, best for each class. and even each kid! He is so personal and interested in each one knowing and experiencing Him. what a privilege we have -- we get to help!

Second week, second song. Kingdom come.

[KEY:NEW THINGS] God is stirring old things and new things in me all at the same time. This concept reminds me of that part in the Redman song "i am a seeker of the new things, i am a dreamer with some old dreams". By old things i mean songwriting. By new things i mean writing new songs. I didn't mean to, it's just that each week when i come early to play my guitar and worship, inviting the Holy Spirit to be there with us that morning, a new song seems to come out of my mouth. Like i said, i'm not trying, but we do welcome the creative gifts to flow... We worship the most Creative holy one ever and He created us and i think that's going to be a KEY to unlocking worship from each child. We must help each one find their own form of expression. i think it will challenge and stretch us to let that really happen. I am excited about it... could be noisy, could be lots of movement in very little space, could be children waving or wielding things, could be somersaults, cartwheels, flight. if i had room i'd build a skate ramp right in the middle of our worship area... "i am a seeker of the new things.. let them now come!"

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Simple Songs, Simple Beginnings

[WORSHIP:03:02:08] Sure, i woke up with this song in my heart - a "God song" what more could i ask for? But, Lord... it was so simple. I know all the stuff i'd been hearing says not too many words, keep it simple, but this was like learning to walk. Wooble on one leg and then put the next foot down and make sure we're all making the steps together. Frankly i felt almost appalled to bring something so kindergarten to this group which pinnacles at fifth grade. But i knew it was from the Holy Spirit - given to me as a gift on my first 'official' morning as KC worship director.

And so, after a bit of gathering activity (entering the Ps100 fifth grade girls' thanksgiving tunnel with thanks in our hearts and on our lips) we dismissed the boys off to the side with Adrian. The drums remind us of the thunder and lightening happening right now around God's throne in heaven -- and we want to pull heaven down into our midst, don't we? So the girls and i sat in a circle with individual pieces of paper, that, when in proper sitting order, made up the question "what shall we discover together?" This was our song. Simple. brief. a question to gather us and open up collective expectation. it also opened opportunity for prophetic completion of the question. The song we sang together teetered from low note to high note... "WHAT-shall-we dis-COV-ER-TO-ge-ther (repeat)(repeat)" and then someone finishes with a simple 5 note step down starting at the high note, ending on the low... "JE--sus--is--our--friend". and even the fifth grade girls were glued. we all sang carefully together and anticipated who would finish it this next time... and the boys, all the while, glued to Adrian's thunder leadership :)

Before we knew it, we were out of time. we had Workshopped (learning activities about worship) and Gathered and didnt' even have time to sing through that worship song they 'already know'...oh well, maybe we'll get back to the 'old song' next time. Or maybe this is exactly how God sees the start of a revolution.